Mortgage finance

Freeing working capital otherwise tied up in unpaid debts, by buying receivables such as invoices.

Mortgage finance converts outstanding invoices into cash. We can do this for single invoices, multiple invoices from one buyer or the whole book of invoices from multiple buyers.

Customers can then use their improved cash flow to invest in raw materials, labour and what they need to grow the business.

To do this, we will first assess the value of the invoices, or the whole book, and then buy them at a discounted rate, which will reflect any risks involved.

Benefits of Mortgage finance

  • Flexible funding: finance that can grow with the business
  • Improve cashflow: helps to minimise the cashflow impact of late payment
  • Provide liquidity: financing to cover overheads and supplier payments before receipt of customer payments.

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Why Alliance Finance Bank

We understand that freeing up working capital is a major challenge for many businesses, and we offer a range of flexible services to help.

Our vision is to develop partnerships that provide opportunities to grow together, by providing access to working capital, tailored to each client.


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